Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ware have I been?

Well things have been a little busy for me the past month. My job has been taking all of my energy from me. I was made temporary manager of one of the group homes the company I work for runs, wile the other is on medical leave. I finding in is a lot of work but is very rewording. In this home there are 6 guys ranging in age from 30 to 50 years old. All are either non verbal or speak very little. I have been working the day time and my responsibilities are many. I take them to and from their workshops; I get them to any appointments they may need to go to; I do any paperwork and documentation that needs to be done; and I check on the staff to make sure they are doing their jobs.

I’m finding that I really like being around these guys. They have so little and only two of the guys get visits from family. I got to go shopping for their Christmas and had lots of fun getting them new things. I’m even working on Christmas day with them; witch also excites me because I get to spent it with them because they have so little. I will get to see them open their gifts and make them dinner. It should be a fun day. I will of course be woken up early in the am by my boys so I will still get to see them open their gifts.

I’m hoping with all the work I am putting in that I will get my own home some day.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

David’s 7th birthday

David’s birthday was on the 3rd of December we celebrated his birthday on the 2nd at my parents. David Got a lot of what he really wanted and what he is in to. This really is nice to see him growing in to his own person and we are starting to see what kind of person he will some day be. One thing David got a new board game, Spider-man Sorry, this is one thing I am really in to, on to levels, one I love board games and I really like Spiderman. David has really followed suit on this. It’s always nice to se your kids getting into the same things as you. He also got a basketball to go with the basketball hoop we were given just before his birthday. He really loves it. (Now he will have to wait until spring to use it). David also got a light bright and some art supplies.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 and our adventure with Tofurky

For Thanksgiving this year we stayed home, for the first time ever. We could not make it to Milwaukee or Traverse City, due to lack of money and high gas prices, and me having to work on Friday after. So we had our fist family Thanksgiving together just the four of us. Because Amy is a Vegetarian I made the meal all meat free. I got Tofurky for us to eat,(witch was ok but not well eat by every one. It did take a long time to cook and looked like and tasted like, but didn’t have the texture of turkey) we had mashed potatoes, stuffing, Cranberry/orange relish, biscuits, and pumpkin pie. We had a really good day as a family.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Job Up date.

Well It looks like I am going to be working full time. I had a first day at work today and I am going to be working Monday through Friday noon to eight. I will be working with one client help him with his day to day living in his apartment. I may also be working once and a wile in a group home and on week ends. I would be making a lot to start with but it is a start.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I am employed once again!!!!!

Well it looks like my stay at home dad status has come to an end. I have been offered a job with Enhance, Inc, doing direct care. It looks like only part time and maybe on week ends. But we need to do what ever we can. Our bills are really starting to pile up. I will still be with the boys as much as possible, and help out at their school when I can. So I will still be very much a part of my kids lives.

I will find out more tomorrow about what I will be doing when I go in to fill out paper work. I will have to go to a two or three week training before I start. Of course I will get paid for this time.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

michigan renaissance festival 2007

As we do every year we went to the Michigan Renaissance Festival today. The boys really look forward to it every year. Davids favorite is always the joust, and Rodney looks the Play area and animals. Sir Goofsalot

Storming the Castle Sir Royal Annoyance

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

1st day of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have a big 2nd and a big 1st grader now, who are in school all day....
Huray for me!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day and the park

Today we went to Kensington Metro Park for a picnic. Wile we were there the boys went exploring in the woods and played ball. Later they met a family who was fishing and they let the boys fish with them. After lunch we went to the nature center.