Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Signs of Spring in Michigan

There are many signs that spring has come to Michigan once again; I could be the robins have returned, the buds on trees, to the maple sap being tapped. However the biggest sign that spring has come is the return of Bell's Oberon beer

Oberon is an American wheat ale brewed with Saaz hops. It is spicy and fruity, and is the color and scent of a summer afternoon. This is by far my favorite beer. Bell's Brewery is located in Kalamazoo, Michigan and sold its first beer in 1985. Bell's has become very much a main stay of many beer lovers in southern Michigan Hooray for Oberon for Spring is truly here.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Our New Diet

This week Amy and I are starting a new diet. It is Healthy Lifestyle Program by Dean Ornish, MD

Dr. Ornish counsels that we will find success not by restricting calories, but by watching the ones we eat. He breaks this down into foods that should be eaten all of the time, some of the time, and none of the time. The diet is a vegetarian diet, and should not be that hard for both of us to fallow. We have never been much in the way of being meat eaters, and the Atkins diet always seemed a little extreme to us

The following can be eaten whenever you are hungry, until you are full:
• Beans and legumes (lentils, split peas, beans; kidney, pinto, garbanzo, and black)
• Fruits -- anything from apples to watermelon, from raspberries to pineapples
• Grains (such as brown basmati rice, quick cooking brown rice, bulgur wheat, couscous, polenta, rolled oats, cornmeal, millet, and quinoa)
• Vegetables
• egg whites are permitted

These should be eaten in moderation:
• Nonfat dairy products -- skim milk, nonfat yogurt, nonfat cheeses, nonfat sour cream, and egg whites
• Nonfat or very low-fat commercially available products --from Life Choice frozen dinners to Haagen-Dazs frozen yogurt bars and Entenmann's fat-free desserts (but if sugar is among the first few ingredients listed, put it back on the shelf)

These should be avoided:
• Meat of all kinds -- red and white, fish and fowl (we aren’t giving up fish, however we will at least eat as low fat as possible)
• Oils and oil-containing products, such as margarine and most salad dressings
• Avocados
• Olives
• Nuts and seeds
• Dairy products (other than the nonfat ones above)
• Sugar and simple sugar derivatives -- honey, molasses, corn syrup, and high-fructose syrup
• Alcohol
• Anything commercially prepared that has more than two grams of fat per serving

That's it. If we stick to this plan, and we meet Ornish's recommendation of less than 10% of your calories from fat, without the need to count fat grams or calories. Ornish suggests eating a lot of little meals because this diet makes you feel hungry more often. You will feel full faster, and you'll eat more food without increasing the number of calories.

Our diets as Americans have become to high in fat over the past 50 years. The typical American diet is 45% fat, 25% protein and 30% carbohydrates. The Ornish diet is 10% fat, 20% protein, and 70% carbohydrates. This diet promotes complex carbohydrates (fruit, grains, etc.) and limits simple ones (sugars, honey, and alcohol.) The most controversial part of the diet is its prohibition on nuts and fish, which some researchers claim actually protect the heart.

So my starting weight for this diet is 295 lbs. My goal is to loose at least 65 lbs, but I really would like to loose about 90 lbs. Tonight Amy are taking out my parents for dinner for our last time on our old diet and starting tomorrow the diet will start.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This Aint No Soccer Mom Mobile

Today we bought a new car. We got a used 2007 Chevrolet Uplander with 24,000 miles on it and the color is Amethyest. We got a good deal on it and my dad help me look for the car. We most certainly will not call it a Soccer Mom mobile, maybe a Skater mom. We will have to get a Tony Hawk sticker for the bake widow. Both of the boys wont to get skateboards this summer.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Great Uncle Luke

It's been a little wile sence I posted a new blog here, so this is a old fun one form one of my other blogs.

For the past month or so I have been looking in to my family history. One of my favorite family members was my great uncle Luke on my mother's side. As a kid I wanted to be just like him. Even many of my friends wonted to be like him. We use to argue over who got to be him when we played on the playground. Here are some photos or this great man's life.

Here is uncle Luke at age 5 with his twin sister and their cousin

Here we see him just before he went of to fight in WWII

This is of Uncle Luke's WWII Battalion they called them self's the Big Red One. He loved that accordion and took it with him every ware. Until his Sergeant used it for target practice.

After the war Luke decided he needed to go find himself and spent some time in Mexico

After Mexico he decided to become quite a trail blazer and became Milwaukee's first male nurse. He is in the back row 2nd from the end

Years later he went on to be a teacher in a small collage in Ypsilanti Michigan.

Here he is with his great friend Martin.

At the Reading Festival 1974, he is the one playing the drums.

When Luke retired he moved up north to Yalven Michigan. He spent much of his time fishing in the worm months and blowing everyone's driveways in the winter.

great uncle Luke he was the greatest.