Monday, January 15, 2007

@ the Circus

On January 14th, my parents, Amy and I took Rodney and David to the Shrine Circus. It was a Christmas present from my parents to the boys. Be fore the show stared we took them to go get autographs from all the clowns. Once the show started there were many animal acts, the tigers were 1st, the there were horses, elephants, and peacocks. There were lots of high flying acrobats, clown routines and jugglers. The boys really like the motor cycles in the sphere of fear the best. The best part of the show for me and my mom was watching David and his pure delight. It was also nice to see some articles in the program about how the Circus treats their animals. I would seem they actually treat them quite well. I was a fun day. Click to enlarge

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Monty Python's Holy Grail... or how I'm turning my kids in to geeks

One of the great things about bring a parent is watching your kids get in to the same things as you. Rodney and David have become big fans of Monty Python's Holy Grail. Some much so they can quote and act out some of the scenes from the movie. A few months back we were at my parents and the boys were acting out the scene of the monks doing a gorgonian chant and hitting them self's on the head with a board. Rodney and David of course were using books to do this, it was quite funny.

Then more resonantly at my parents again they were playing in the back yard and David was pretending to be the "old man from scene 24" or the Bridge keeper. And David said "Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see" It was very cute.

We, meaning me and the boys, even say "Ni" to each other and the other will act out as if he is in pain. Just like the Knights of Ni, Amy thinks we are all quite silly.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Calvin and Hobbs

Resonantly Rodney, who has become quite a reader, has discovered Calvin and Hobbs. Amy and I have loved the comic strip since we were young, and to have Rod get in to then has been quite a joy. He has had us read it to him every night and he reads them to him self most of the time when he is home. He even is now showing some of Calvin’s “better” traits. His wonderful imagination!